Friday, 1 January 2016

Let's walk!

I've owned my Fitbit for over a year now. I started with wanting to do 10,000 steps a day but a couple of months ago increased that to 12,000 steps a day. I've not always done that but I'm hoping that this year may be different. Training for the Moonwalk in May will definitely have an effect! 

I am, however,  pleased with what I have achieved in the year; who would have thought that I could have walked an average of just under 5 miles a day. Let's see what the difference is in a year's time!

Training for the Moonwalk starts in earnest in mid February but I will need to up my steps before then. I'm back to work on Monday and that'll be me walking to work every day again. 

Lovely walk today on the first day of the year. 

I'll blog how my training is going and once I've got my fundraising page up and running I'll post a link. 

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