I own a Fitbit One. I have owned it since October 2014 and for those of you that own one of these amazing devices you will know how addictive they can become. I have thought about upgrading my One but love the beauty of how discreet it is. I wear it attached to my bra, in between the two cups, and like that I can wear it all day, every day when I want. A few people have laughed when on a night out, if I've had a low cut top on, that you can see it, but you have to get your steps in anyway that you can!
I know people who have had mishaps with theirs still being attached to their clothes and they have ended up in the washing machine; I have never had this problem but have had two occasions where I thought that I had lost it and let me tell you the fear and panic that comes with that are amazing. The first time I 'lost' my Fitbit it was in my bedroom, on my bed. Fear and panic set in which means that you can't think rationally and have difficulty finding anything. I did eventually find it having stripped my bed at least three times!
Having learnt from this mistake, and seen people posting on Facebook about a lost Fitbit app, I decided that I never wanted to be in the same position again, so I downloaded the app.
Here this story really begins. . .
Here this story really begins. . .

One Saturday morning, I got up and instead of getting completely dressed before I went downstairs, I was wearing a pair of knickers and a t shirt! It was easier to take my Fitbit out of it's clip and put it in my knickers than find something to put on! So, I folded them over the Fitbit to make a pocket. I knew that I wasn't really going to be doing much so it should have been okay shouldn't it?! Now this is a Tessa Moment so you should know fine well that it was never going to be that simple.
At some point I realised that the Fitbit had slipped out. I had a quick look in the area that I was sitting in. It wasn't there. I retraced my steps. Back to my bedroom and back downstairs again. Still no luck. I thought, 'Ah, Tessa, make use of your lost Fitbit app.' Now, having never used it, I wasn't actually sure how it worked but let's just say that it's a little bit like a compass and beeps the closer you are to the lost Fitbit. Turned on it said that I was in the right area. Downstairs. By or on my sofa. Cushions off and the search begins. I can't see it. Can it possibly have fallen down the edges of the sofa? I didn't think so but the app was telling me it was on the sofa! So I slid my hands around the edges of the sofa. I moved it; it wasn't underneath. I was now starting to get really, really frustrated.
I thought maybe I was being a real techno-phobe and didn't get how the app worked. I took my phone back upstairs and it was now telling me that my Fitbit was in my bedroom. Really?! Tessa Jane you are reaching the point where you are going to have to admit defeat and ask for help from one of your more tech savvy sons! Only one of them was home, the youngest; I think that possibly his older brother was at work.
He took my phone off me, went upstairs and as he came back downstairs and got closer to me sitting on the sofa my phone started to beep louder. 'Mum, it's definitely on or around the sofa!'. So, again we take all the cushions off. Can we find it, of course not! He then says, 'have you checked that it is not on you?'. Of course I have! That's how I knew that it was missing. I go on to tell him that it was 'wrapped' in my knickers. He then makes a suggestion that I check again.
I went into the toilet took my knickers down and low and behold there my Fitbit was! Where I can hear you asking? Nestled nicely and snuggly in the top of my vajayjay!! The laughter that then ensued and has done to every person that I have retold the story too was amazing. The reason that the app kept beeping when I was holding my phone was because the blooming thing WAS on me!!!
I have tried my best to retell this story as if I was telling you. It's not been easy and the fun that I had coming up with the 'correct' word to use to describe where I found my Fitbit has caused a huge amount of amusement. For those that know me; I hope that you are not offended (I did give a warning at the top of the post!) and that you can hear me telling you. For those that don't know me you can hopefully do the story justice when retelling it to your friends and work colleagues as something that you read on the internet!
This is most definitely a Tessa Moment . . .