Someone asked me some time ago to tell them when I had found the answer to getting back on track! I am not sure that I have the answer but I do know what works for me.
I think that it's actually like a jigsaw. When all the pieces slot together then it makes things easier. You need to know what you are doing, have belief in what you are doing, follow it and believe in yourself. But
sometimes it can take a while to find the right pieces although you know where they should go you can't actually place them!
I regularly say that almost everyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows exactly what to do but sometimes it's not as easy as that.
It's the end of January and I've been 'properly' following the weightwatchers plan since 4 January. The first week; post Christmas weigh-in, I put on 1lb. I lost weight for the next two weeks; 3lbs and 1.5lbs. At this week's weigh in I gained 0.5lbs. My total loss for the month is 4lbs; but 5lbs lost since I rejoined in the middle of December. Am I happy with that? Honestly, I would have wished for more. I know from experience why I gained weight this week. I have done a lot of walking and this week did my first #kettlercise class in over 3 years. The side effects of that have meant that I have not been able to move for much of this week without being in total agony! It's good agony as I know that I have worked my muscles but what I have had is known as DOMS, or delayed onset muscle soreness! It is a common phenomenon which not only includes muscles soreness, 24 to 48 hours after your workout, but can also include loss of strength, decreased range in motion, mild inflammation and an increase in two to three pounds or more in body weight! DOMS is common in people who are new to resistance training or a response to a change in exercise routines. That would be me this week! If I didn't know this I could have been very disappointed but I know that losing weight is not something that happens overnight. It is a lifestyle change. I will be continuing with the walking, kettlercise classes and following the weightwatchers plan.
The beauty of that thought is that it is February. I have already noticed that as this month has gone on my walk to and from work has changed dramatically. When I walk to work in the morning it is already not so dark and coming home on Friday night I could almost say that I was not walking home in the dark. I am hoping in another couple of weeks that I will be walking home in daylight!
My mood is already better at that thought, as I really have had it with the 'winter blues'! So, I face the month of February in a positive mood looking forward. Let's see what next month brings.